8589 Gull Rd. Suite 7, Richland, Michigan, 49083, USA | Phone: 269-978-7722 |

Alcohol Related Businesses

Operating an alcohol related business can be a tricky and confusing thing. We know how to navigate those waters. Many Manufacturers and Retailers across the State of Michigan rely on us to understand their business and provide expert services.



The alcohol industry is unique with its own set of problems and nuance due to the extensive State Regulation and control. You have probably heard of the Triple Tier Model. There are 3 levels of alcohol industry, the Manufacturer, The Wholesaler, and the Retailer. All alcohol produced goes through each of these tiers before it gets in the hands of the consumer. All alcohol in Michigan is regulated by the Michigan Liquor control Commission (MLCC) as well as specific local government rules. Manufacturers have the added layer of Federal Government oversight via the Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). It pays to have someone who knows how to handle it. We can help you avoid costly mistakes with the government and offer you peace of mind that your ducks are in a row.

Alcohol Manufacturers

These are the Breweries, Distilleries, Wineries, and Cideries. You are a unique business with unique needs. Grantham Law works with many Alcohol Manufacturers across Michigan. We can help you navigate these dark waters from opening and licensing, distribution, and on to expansion. We are enthusiasts, homebrewers, and home winemakers ourselves. It is a passion.




These are the restaurants, package liquor stores, caterers, bars, taprooms, tasting rooms, and anywhere else that the public can get a drink. You have your own set of challenges to keep your business in compliance.

License Violations

Sometimes it happens. Your business receives a violation, and you are looking at potentially stiff fines or even license suspension/revocation. Grantham Law has extensive experience in handling the administrative procedures and negotiating with the MLCC and TTB. We are happy to offer you access to our expertise.

License Violations